lunes, 28 de abril de 2008

Only the 30 % of the collection goes to the provinces

National surplus, provincial deficit

Every year the participation of the Argentinean provinces in the distribution of the national resources is being reduced. Even when the co-participation law states that the provinces must receive at least a 34% guarantee of the total collection. More info

Traducido con la cooperacion de Maria Agustina Donna

martes, 22 de abril de 2008

Ley de Defensa del Consumidor con sus modificaciones y comentarios

Law 24,240 modified by law 26361, Law of Defense of the Consumer. It is obligatory with its modifications from 16 of April.
You can lower it here with his respective commentaries in each chapter for his better interpretation

24.240 modificada por la ley 26361 , Ley de Defensa del Consumidor. Puesta en vigencia a partir del 16 de Abril de corriente año.
Podes bajarla aqui con sus respectivos comentarios en cada capitulo para su mejor interpretacion.